Isn’t it interesting how a simple invitation can be so important to us as women. An invitation is a request of our presence often to participate and to share in a special event. Not to be invited can leave one feeling left out and hurt. Whether you’ve ever received an invitation in your inbox as an evite, or a personal request from a friend or a handwritten card you received in the mail; you took pleasure knowing you were invited.
The Bible is one big invitation from God inviting us into something awe-inspiring. God’s invitation is for everyone, it doesn’t discriminate or have preferences – all are welcome, come everyone who thirsts, come to the waters, come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Over the years I have come to the feet of my Father broken over my sin. I have curled up in His lap like a little girl to be comforted by His warmth and love. I have stood sheepishly before Him only to offer my simple request hoping He would answer. Whatever my condition, I always knew there was a personal invitation extended to me from the Father bidding me to come and find comfort in Him. For I knew His love would never cease for my weary soul.
All relationships, whether parent/child, husband/wife, brother/sister, or friend/friend all require a certain degree of connectedness in order to grow and develop intimacy and trust. God’s invitation to connect with you is not hindered by your past, by your brokenness, or by your unbelief. God’s Word comes to us as an invitation to find rest, hope, healing, love, comfort, and strength. His invitation is not generic but tailor made just for you. You are not part of a mass mailing that God scatters across the globe. You are seen by the Creator Himself and He customizes His invite to you through His Word. His invitation is like a love letter, written personally to invite you into a deeper, closer, abiding relationship with Him. I pray you don’t misread His invitation today and cast it aside like junk mail. Rather, read it with fresh eyes and an open heart.
God’s invitation is right before you today… open it, what does it say?
Walk on my friend, you are His beloved!
Live with Intention,