Being intimate with another person is vulnerable, but being intimate with your Creator is beautiful! Let this idea of intimacy with God stir your affections as the Holy Spirit invites you into the heart of the Father.
Intimacy gives rise to the notion of being close and known by someone. People around the globe, no matter the culture, they all have the same intrinsic desire – that is to be fully known and fully loved.
Intimacy, when experienced in relationship with God the Father, will open your heart to experience more deeply whose you are and to hear more clearly who you are in the midst of so much noise.
The Father’s invitation is for your heart and His heart to be one! Abide in me and I will abide in you…Lean into the Father with a curiosity, trusting Him as He leads you to step beyond your comfort zone. By exposing your failures, admitting your pride, and bearing your shame you open your heart to a deeper, abiding love, overflowing with the sweetness of redemption and the richness of His grace.
When an abiding relationship is grown in the intimacy of knowing God the outcome is a life marked by authentic beauty that is being lived with radiant grace. Therefore, to live fully known and fully loved is to know the true intimacy that can only be found in Him and through Him who calls you His own.
Walk on my friend, you are His beloved!
Live with Intention,